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Tatami Estilo 6.0 review and comparison to the 5.0! | The Gi Experts

Tatami Estilo 6.0 review and comparison to the 5.0! | The Gi Experts

The Gi Experts where the first to write a review on the Estilo 6.0. Before the lauch even! In this video Bram from the Gi Experts will tell you all about the ins and outs on this new Tatami Estilo 6.0. what are the diffences compared to the 5.0? What does the Gi feel like and what does it look like?

One of the most striking differences is the print on the inside of the Gi in the shoulder area. The new print Tatami used in the new design makes for a very classy look! Want to know more about this cool new Gi? Check out this video!

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